Ather Sharif

Human-Computer Interaction (Accessibility + Visualization + Personalization) Researcher · Senior Software Engineering Lead · Philly's Geek of the Year 2015 · 2015 Google Scholar · 2022 Husky 100

Ph.D. from Allen School, University of Washington
Former Senior FullStack Software Engineer, Team Lead at Comcast
Founder of EvoXLabs and SCI Video Blog
Creator of evoHaX and The Accessible World

What's my story?

I used to design and develop websites and webapps. In the worst way one could ever imagine. Then a car accident in March of 2013 took away my ability to use all my limbs - making me a quadriplegic. That's when I realized how horribly inaccessible my past 7 years of work had been for people with disabilities. Now, I research ways to make the digital world as accessible to people with disabilities as it is for able-body people. I also design and develop accessible websites and webapps. Because the Web is for everyone.

I also do other cool stuff. This includes procrastinating, drawing terrible stick figures on whiteboards, buying the most unnecessary gadgets on Amazon, and watching the Big Bang Theory. Sometimes, when I'm not doing the above, I do post-production for promo videos, play with Leap Motion, Raspberry Pi and Open Street Maps, drink frappucinos and dream of being at Old Trafford.

If you ever get stuck with me in an elevator (I honestly hope you don't), talk to me about TV shows, Marvel universe (fine, DC too), ReactJS, Football (NFL), Football (the real one), Donuts, Personalized Designs and Disability Rights. Before you get creative, no, people in motorized wheelchairs do not get a speeding ticket. We also don't dress up for Halloween as Professor X.